德国汉高BONDERITE C-MC 1204 日常保养中性清洗剂
  • 品牌:汉高
  • 产地:上海
  • 型号:25kg/桶
  • 货号:1204
  • 价格: ¥188/千克
  • 发布日期: 2024-12-20
  • 更新日期: 2025-01-20
品牌 汉高
货号 1204
用途 表面处理保养清洁剂
包装规格 25kg/桶
产地/厂商 上海

PRODUCTDESCRIPTION BONDERITE C-MC 1204 provides the following product characteristics: Technology Product Type Application Surface Treatment Maintenance Cleaner Universal Cleaner BONDERITE C-MC 1204 is meant for cleaning operations and industrial maintenance operations. Characteristics: ? Very efficient product usable in all concentrations. ? Not flammable. ? Suited for use on all metals, all synthetic substances, rubber, painted surfaces etc. ? In many cases it can replace organic solvents. ? Excellent penetrating action on dirt and easy dissolution of grease. TECHNICAL DATA Appearance: pH value (at 10 g/L) Density: Solubility: Foam behavior: DIRECTIONS FOR USE liquid, yellow 10.3 1.03 colorless to clear in any proportion in water foaming product Preliminary Statement: Prior to use it is necessary to read the Material Safety Data Sheet for information about precautionary measures and safety recommendations. Also, for chemical products exempt from compulsory labeling, the relevant precautions should always be observed. Please also refer to the local safety instructions and contact Henkel for analytical support. Application: BONDERITE C-MC1204 isused: ● with acloth or brushing equipment ● byspraying or with a foam generator ● inanimmersion process at room temperature Concentration: Manual: With brush: With high pressure equipment: With foam generator: In immersion processes: In washing tables: Concentration Determination: 2 to 10 % 2 to 5 % 1 to 2 % 20 to 50 % 10 to 20 % 10 to 30 % ● Take a sample of 10 mL solution and add 50 mL of de-ionized water. ● Addafewdrops ofPhenolphthalein. ● Titrate with a solution of hydrochloric acid 0.1 N till color changes from pink to colorless. ● The amount of mL hydrochloric acid 0.1 N used x 23.2 gives the concentration of BONDERITE C-MC 1204 in g/L. Waste Water Treatment: BONDERITE C-MC 1204 should be treated according the local legislation. Storage: Recommended Storage Temperature, °C Shelf-life, months (in unopened original packaging) 5 to 35 24 Classification: Please refer to the corresponding Material Safety Data Sheets for details on: Hazards identification Transport information     Regulatory information TDSBONDERITEC-MC1204,   January-2018 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Disclaimer Note: The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including the recommendations for use and application of the product are based on our knowledge and experience of the product as at the date of this TDS. The product can have a variety of different applications as well as differing application and working conditions in your environment that are beyond our control. Henkel is, therefore, not liable for the suitability of our product for the production processes and conditions in respect of which you use them, as well as the intended applications and results. We strongly recommend that you carry out your own prior trials to confirm such suitability of our product. Any liability in respect of the information in the Technical Data Sheet or any other written or oral recommendation(s) regarding the concerned product is excluded, except if otherwise explicitly agreed and except in relation to death or personal injury caused by our negligence and any liability under any applicable mandatory product liability law. In case products are delivered by Henkel Belgium NV, Henkel Electronic Materials NV, Henkel Nederland BV, Henkel Technologies France SAS and Henkel France SA please additionally note the following: In case Henkel would be nevertheless held liable, on whatever legal ground, Henkel’s liability will in no event exceed the amount of the concerned delivery. In case products are delivered by Henkel Colombiana, S.A.S. the following disclaimer is applicable: The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including the recommendations for use and application of the product are based on our knowledge and experience of the product as at the date of this TDS. Henkel is, therefore, not liable for the suitability of our product for the production processes and conditions in respect of which you use them, as well as the intended applications and results. We strongly recommend that you carry out your own prior trials to confirm such suitability of our product. Any liability in respect of the information in the Technical Data Sheet or any other written or oral recommendation(s) regarding the concerned product is excluded, except if otherwise explicitly agreed and except in relation to death or personal injury caused by our negligence and any liability under any applicable mandatory product liability law. In case products are delivered by Henkel Corporation, Resin Technology Group, Inc., or Henkel Canada Corporation, the following disclaimer is applicable: The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications. Trademark usage: [Except as otherwise noted] All trademarks in this document are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. Reference 0.0

成膜剂Alodine 407 ·适用于铝材和铝合金的化学氧化处理;
·处理后工件表面呈无色至蓝绿色;·此氧化膜增强了工件的耐蚀性以及与漆膜的结合力。 Alodine 1200S  ·一种粉剂产品,用于处理铝,在其表面形成一层从浅金色到棕黄色的转化膜;·这一涂层有极好的防腐蚀性能,而且能保证外面的涂料和塑料涂层有极好的粘着力;·
Alodine C 6100D ·工作液主要成分为铬酸盐,适用于铝材和锌材的化学氧化处理;·处理后工件表面的氧化膜呈黄色,膜重0.1-1g/m2;·此氧化膜能增强工件的耐蚀性以及与漆膜的结合力。 铝材铬化剂 Alodine 1500 ·单组分产品,适用于铝材及铝合金的铬化处理,喷浸佳宜;·经处理后的工件基本保持原金属颜色;·本产品获美军认可用于飞机的表面处理。 铝材清洗 Ridoline 336
·碱性粉状清洗剂,不含硅酸盐;·适用于清洗铝材和铝合金;·施用方法可以是喷淋或浸渍。 铝用碱性清洗剂 Ridoline 212 ·专为铝及铝合金设计,除去其表面油污和氧化薄膜的,浓缩型,不含硅酸盐的弱碱性液体清洗剂;·Ridoline 212所含的润湿剂能够很容易地从金属表面漂洗下而且不会乳化油污,除非油污本身含有乳化剂。 铝材转化涂复 Aldoine 5200 ·Aldoine 5200是一种专门用于处理铝及其合金的无铬产品,喷浸皆宜;·本工艺能提供一种优良的漆底钝化膜。

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